Column Pump Repairs

OVERVIEW:    The refinery column pump for storm water and effluent required repairs and surface coating to protect from corrosion. Corrosion pitting and erosion was evident in the suction bell & adjoining column and the wear spacer ring/housing.

We recommended rebuilding the internal diameters affected by erosion corrosion to extend column pipe life and return pump to original efficiency



Storm Water, Effluent from Refinery


Column pump


Column pump repairs were required and the surface coated to protect from corrosion. Corrosion pitting was evident in the suction bell & adjoining column. Erosion/corrosion was taking place in the wear spacer ring/housing.


We recommended rebuilding the internal diameters affected by erosion corrosion to extend column pipe life and return pump to original efficiency


Abrasive blast to AS.1627.4 to class 2.5

Masking and protection of critical shaft tolerances

Pitting filled to allow smooth transition and prevent coating defects

Application of RA 532 internal & external

Pit-filled areas within impeller housing to ensure smooth finish

Application of RA 532 at a nominal thickness of 200 µm internal & external

Application of RP 500 internal

Application of Luxathane R ‘N35’ external


The column pump repairs were timely, returning the unit to service within a week. A new replacement pump had a lead time of 16 weeks. The client was extremely happy thanks to the experienced Chemcote team and the exceptional qualities of the Chemco range.


Refurbishment of Basket Strainer

Strainer nearing completion Internals nearing completion Internals illustrating pit filling After abrasive blasting, pitting After fabrication repairs OVERVIEW:  Chemcote provided a long term corrosion protection for

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