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Floating Restaurant Structure Repairs Using Underwater Curing Epoxies

OVERVIEW:    In the complete refurbishment of the underside of this floating structure, some areas were replaced. Other areas required repairs to be done in-situ by using underwater curing epoxies. A team of experienced divers applied the underwater curing Epo chem™ system, which is able to provide full coverage to surfaces where ideal surface preparation cannot be achieved.





Steel Brackets


The use of underwater curing epoxies was the most practical solution for this project. In the complete refurbishment of the underside of this floating structure, some areas were replaced. Other areas required repairs to be done in-situ by using underwater curing epoxies. A team of experienced divers applied the underwater curing epoxy coating.


Chemco’s surface tolerant Epo chem™ system is able to provide full coverage to surfaces where ideal surface preparation cannot be achieved


Repairs were carried out at low tide where possible. Freshwater washing sections provide suitable surface preparation before applying the underwater curing epoxies

Removal of large, flaking corroded areas and coating back to bare steel by mechanical preparation using pneumatic needle gun, air chisel, scabbling and bristle blaster

Preparation underwater to St 2 by using an underwater grinder

Primer applied to create a continuous coating without pinholes wearing gloves and application mitts

Product lathered on in small, workable sections and cured overnight

The next day at low tide, the repair area above the surface washed with fresh water, then RA 500M, glass flake filled topcoat applied to above and below water sections


By coating with Epo chem™, follow up inspections indicate the coating and repairs are still in good condition and is expected to exceed 10 years life in service


Base Plate Corrosion Prevention

Repairs required Application of Primer Coating applied to affected areas After application of Topcoat Previous Next OVERVIEW:    A 40 year old excess gas bleeder structure

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