OVERVIEW: This cast iron, recirculated water heat exchanger vessel from 1981 was exposed to inclement weather and experiencing fatigue cracking in some welds and localised corrosion on the tube bundle guides. The Epo-chem™ system will with provide long term protection in this environment.
Recirculated water
Cast Iron
This heat exchanger vessel was manufactured in 1981 and installed shortly after. Fatigue cracking was found in some welds and localised corrosion was discovered on the tube bundle guides. The unit was exposed to inclement weather.
We recommended coating with our moisture and surface tolerant epoxy RS 500P as a primer. Finishing with a top coat of RA 532, a glass-flake filled epoxy solvent-free system. This protective coating system will with provide long term protection in this environment.
Identify damaged areas and check existing specification thickness
Bristle blast damaged surface area
Solvent wipe and square off using masking tape
Application of RS 500P in one coat to a nominal DFT of 100µm
Application of RA 532 in one coat to a minimum DFT of 250µm
Chemcote was able to carry out the repairs to the internals of the heat exchanger vessel within the strict time frame provided by the client. This application will provide at least 10 years of corrosion free service.
Centrifugal Pump Corrosion Protection
Before Coating Application Strip & Assess Kevlar Application anti swirl vane Applying the 1st Coating Completed Internal Coating application OVERVIEW: Chemcote provided a long-lasting solution
Maximise Pipe Durability Using Composites
Condition Before Coating Coating to critical areas complete External coating carried out on site Externals Requiring Relining OVERVIEW: Chemcote was tasked with extending the service
Refurbishment of Basket Strainer
Strainer nearing completion Internals nearing completion Internals illustrating pit filling After abrasive blasting, pitting After fabrication repairs OVERVIEW: Chemcote provided a long term corrosion protection for