Pool Filtration

OVERVIEW:    This 304 Stainless Steel Seawater/treatment water pool filtration system required provision of long term corrosion protection with a quick turnaround



Seawater/chlorinated – treatment water


304 Stainless Steel


Short time frame requiring quick turnaround. Customer required provision of long term corrosion protection.


Working around the clock and the application of proven RB 300 series, a glass flake filled vinyl ester with excellent resistance to chemical and abrasive protection.


Grind welds and sharp edges. Machine rebate to all flange faces to prevent crevice corrosion caused by misaligned gaskets.

Abrasive blast to Class 3 AS 1627.4 75micron profile (nominal) Apply of 2 coats of RB 300 Series to a DFT (dry film thickness) of 1200 microns.

Carry out QA including holiday test @ 8kV and confirm thickness.

Externals protected with 1 coat of RL 500PF


Extremely fast turnaround and cure time – back in production in 3 days. Expected to exceed life requirement of 25 years, plus reduce maintenance cost in the future.


Refurbishment of Basket Strainer

Strainer nearing completion Internals nearing completion Internals illustrating pit filling After abrasive blasting, pitting After fabrication repairs OVERVIEW:  Chemcote provided a long term corrosion protection for

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