OVERVIEW: The 304 stainless steel ammonia absorber and circulation tank experience temperatures of up to 100°C and an aggressive Chemical environment.
The prevention of stress corrosion pitting was achieved in the heat affected areas by applying corrosion protection on the entire internal surface.
Normal operating temperature is 60-70°C. Excursions up to 100°C are common.
• Wet ammonia gas
• Diluted sulphuric acid (up to about 20%)
• Ammonium sulphate
• Naphthalene
• Benzene
• Aromatic and aliphatic hydrocarbons
• Hydrogen sulphide
• Hydrogen cyanide
304 Stainless Steel – Ammonia absorber and circulation tank
Prevent Stress Corrosion Pitting in the heat effected areas, these are generally found either side at the toe of the weld. Apply corrosion protection on the entire internal surfaces within a 72 hours outage
Abrasive blast to Chemcote’s Specifications and 3 coats of Chem-tect™ RF 300 Series
Recommend the entire internal surfaces are treated
Mobilise on site
Set up of dust containment only
Set up of De-humidification equipment
Abrasive blast to Chemcote Standards
Application of a Chem-tect™ RF 300 in 3 coats including strip coat all difficult to reach areas
De-mobilise from site
Chem-tect™ RF 364 – vinyl ester / acrylic co-polymer enhanced with flaked glass; very suitable for immersed environments where superior resistance to chemical attack is required
The best outcome the asset owner has obtained after years of trials using various epoxies and fibreglass linings. The combined large anchor profile achieved while abrasive blasting and excellent permeation resistance of the glass flake filler has proven itself again.
Centrifugal Pump Corrosion Protection
Before Coating Application Strip & Assess Kevlar Application anti swirl vane Applying the 1st Coating Completed Internal Coating application OVERVIEW: Chemcote provided a long-lasting solution
Maximise Pipe Durability Using Composites
Condition Before Coating Coating to critical areas complete External coating carried out on site Externals Requiring Relining OVERVIEW: Chemcote was tasked with extending the service
Refurbishment of Basket Strainer
Strainer nearing completion Internals nearing completion Internals illustrating pit filling After abrasive blasting, pitting After fabrication repairs OVERVIEW: Chemcote provided a long term corrosion protection for