OVERVIEW: Chemcote was requested to perform an emergency reline of failed rubber lined vessel. We mobilised our crew interstate within 48 hours and completed the works within 72 hours.
Demineralised water
10 year old carbon steel vessel
The vessel was originally rubber lined. Osmotic blistering found during an inspection raised concerns about metal loss due to the loss of lining integrity. Over the years the rubber lining had been patched & repaired to the point it was no longer serviceable. The vessel would take 2 weeks to replace. Chemcote recommended an alternative solution which was faster and less disruptive.
On close inspection, deep pitting was found beneath the rubber lining. Weld repairs would have delayed the project so Chemcote recommended pit-filling to be carried out to reduce down time. The RB 300 series was recommended as the coating requires low maintenance and ease of repair-ability. It will also provide 20 years of corrosion protection.
The entire project was carried out on site over a period of 36 hours allowing a fast return to service with minimum disruption to production. The vessel was ready for use 12 hours after completion.
Remove rubber lining
Abrasive blast to AS 1627.4 2005 75
Reduce metallic salts using 90°C high pressure water
All internal and external flange faces are coated to ensure full protection
High Voltage spark test @ 15kV DC & rectify defects
Re-installation of the lateral pipe work
The cation vessel was inspected 18 months and 5 years after original application and found in excellent condition. There were no signs of corrosion or coating breakdown.
Centrifugal Pump Corrosion Protection
Before Coating Application Strip & Assess Kevlar Application anti swirl vane Applying the 1st Coating Completed Internal Coating application OVERVIEW: Chemcote provided a long-lasting solution
Maximise Pipe Durability Using Composites
Condition Before Coating Coating to critical areas complete External coating carried out on site Externals Requiring Relining OVERVIEW: Chemcote was tasked with extending the service
Refurbishment of Basket Strainer
Strainer nearing completion Internals nearing completion Internals illustrating pit filling After abrasive blasting, pitting After fabrication repairs OVERVIEW: Chemcote provided a long term corrosion protection for