Blast Furnace Recovery Turbine Repairs

OVERVIEW:  Chemcote has a 14 year ongoing relationship with this customer to perform maintenance and overhaul work. Regular inspections allow us to document the status of the assets and make recommendations about further servicing. This continual monitoring and timely application of protection has successfully reduced long term maintenance costs for our customer. The case notes below describe the latest co-ordinated overhaul carried out in 2020.


Wet blast furnace gas, from 20-40°C


Steel outlet and inlet spools, flange faces, shut off valves, turbine casing components and manway covers


The overhaul was coordinated and planned for the completion of some components in Chemcote’s workshop

On-site work was carried out by setting up appropriate containment and navigating difficult to access areas to achieve thorough cleaning and surface preparation


Apply Chem-tect RB 364 series to the internals of the pipework and casings in 2 coats where possible

This glassflake filled vinyl ester has proven to be most suitable for applications where good corrosion resistance and excellent mechanical properties are required


Full treatment where required;

Pressure wash, abrasive blast internals and externals

Full abrasive blasting was carried out on internals on-site for full refurbishment 

Seal redundant holes and split rings using polyurethane

mechanical preparation and small touch-up repair


Epo-chem™ RL 500PF externally

Chem-tect™ RB 364 to coat internals

Epo-Chem™ RW 500 for spot repairs

Reinforcement using Kevlar

Spot repairs using Ind-Cote on struts


Chemcote has successfully reduced long term maintenance costs by carrying out intermittent inspections and documenting recommendations for coating systems used over the 14 year service duty


Volutes Corrosion Repair

Corrosion condition before surface preparation Primer application Complex wet areas mid coat application Final Coat applied Overview: Defence subcontractor looking after scheduled maintenance on board

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OVERVIEW:    Chemcote’s specialist team mobilised to site to deliver a multiple layer protective coating system that would return the asset to working condition within 24 hours. Abrasion resistant coatings were applied to the pugmill and paddles over a 12 hour period during plant shutdown, with 12 hours allocated for curing.


50-70°C 10-40μm abrasive particles from the dust catcher are disposed of in the pugmill and combined with water to suppress the dust creating an abrasive sludge


Steel Substrate


Deliver an operational multi coat abrasion resistant coating system within 24 hours


Thorough surface preparation prior to the application of multiple layers of abrasion resistant coatings. Spot abrasive blasting to minimise disruption to surrounding trades.


Pugmill Internals
Spot abrasive blast localised areas.
Apply of 1 coat of fast curing Chem-tect™ RB 364C to areas where required
Use chopped strands and where deep pitting existed to provide a smooth even profile
Apply 2 coats of Chem-tect™ RB 364CS to 1,000μm
Conduct QA, DFT and high voltage spark test to ensure continuity at required voltage

Abrasive blast to AS 1627.4, Class 2.5 with a minimum 75μm profile.
Apply 1 coat of Epo-chem™ RW 500 to a nominal thickness of 500μm to ensure no transparent areas
Complete casting application 1 coat of InD-cote™ to 6000 micron DFT to the load and back faces


Paddles coated using Epo-chem™ RW 500 and InD-cote™

Pugmill Internals Chem-tect™ RB 364CS


Chemcote’s solution has extended the life of this asset by 12-24 months, and delivered a 30% improvement in functioning. Continuous high performance is guaranteed until our review at the next planned outage.


Volutes Corrosion Repair

Corrosion condition before surface preparation Primer application Complex wet areas mid coat application Final Coat applied Overview: Defence subcontractor looking after scheduled maintenance on board

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