Using 500 Series in Preventing Hang Up on Matcon Valve

During Inspection On Arrival Internals Coated Externals Complete OVERVIEW:    Chemco’s  Ceram-chem™ system was used to rebuild the internal profile of this valve, and coat to prevent future corrosion and abrasion. In addition, RP 500 creates a slippery surface preventing hang up and blockage issues, maximising the valve’s efficiency. INDUSTRY Mineral Processing ENVIRONMENT Coke breeze […]

RE 500P & RW 500 Applied on Hot Car Structure

Hot car structure during fabrication RE 500P applied at 100um nominal RW 500 applied at 350m to 20mt long frame Carefully loading the finished frame OVERVIEW:    The project consisted of a long wall approximately 20 mt long and 2 side walls approximately 4 metres long each. This was an excellent opportunity for Chemcote to provide […]

RL 500PF for Castor Segments

Segment after pre abrasive blasting RL 500PF During Application Top Coat Application Completed Segment Previous Next OVERVIEW:    Chemcote’s client welcomed a trial in an effort to reduce long term maintenance costs. Thanks to the Chemco zinc rich high temperature resistant epoxy coating system, after equivalent time in service, the coating to the castor segments was […]

Corrosion Protection For Hot Salt Water

Pipe spools with challenging configurations Applying RB 300 to the internals of a pipe the only way possible Holiday testing RB 300 internal coating Finished elbow showing rebated flange face to prevent crevice corrosion OVERVIEW:    A series of pipe spools with diverse configurations and diameters required long term corrosion protection against high temperature salt […]

Underwater Repairs to Concrete & Steel using POOLFIX

This product range has been designed for underwater repairs with the minimum of surface preparation. It is ideal for repairing cracks, small leaks and grout repairs in swimming pools, ponds, aqueous tanks without the need to remove the water. The advantages of Pool-fix™ are: Little or no product dispersion during application. Forms a very smooth paint-like finish […]