Underwater Coatings


For decades, many industries have been looking for a cost-effective and practical solution for long-term corrosion protection underwater.

Many structures – such as jetties, swimming pools and pilings – cannot be removed and therefore the repairs are required to be carried out underwater. Traditional methods of repairing these areas are too expensive and impractical. It is also a substantially costly and time consuming process to move large structures (e.g. offshore platforms) to dry-dock for repair and maintenance.

Chemco is a world leader in innovative underwater coating technologies; providing two unique systems offer a substantial time and cost saving solution to underwater repair and maintenance. These systems have been approved by NSF and FDA for potable water and can be additionally utilised in drinking water lakes and reservoirs.


Solvent-Free, Wet Tolerant, Glassflake System

Diver-cote™ is a solvent-free, wet tolerant, glassflake coating/filler.

It is utilised for a wide range of underwater applications; protection of risers, pipes, jetties, pilings and other steel and concrete structures above/below the splash zone.

This coating system is available in 4 versions:

  • RA 500UW-F
  • RA 500UW-HV
  • RA 500UW-LV
  • RA 500UW-S

Underwater Repair System

Pool-fix™ is a solvent-free, wet tolerant coating system specifically designed for the repair of underwater areas.

It is especially effective for the protection of ceramic tiles within swimming pools and is ideal for carrying out repairs without the requirement to empty the pool.

This coating system is available in 2 versions:

  • Pool-fix™
  • Pool-fix™ Filler/Grout

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