Hot-cote™ RG 900TC


Hot-cote™ RG 900TC is a water-based silicon protective coating which has been specifically designed as a topcoat for high temperature environments.

Primary Features & Characteristics

  • Multi-purpose, single pack, water-based silicon topcoat
  • Excellent corrosion resistance properties
  • Ideal for mufflers, ovens, chimneys, oven inserts, electric and gas heaters, hot stacks, high temperature reaction tanks, etc
  • Excellent heat resistance up to 350ºC. Higher temperature possible up to 600ºC (based on metallic pigment)
  • Can be applied on hot surface up to 120ºC with care and full PPE (due to little co-solvent content of less than 5%)
  • Ideal as a colour topcoat with excellent air drying and UV resistance
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