Long Term Corrosion Protection to Screw Agitator

On Arrival Condition on Arrival On Completion Completed OVERVIEW:    Customer was looking for a quick turn around food safe coating that will provide corrosion and erosion resistance. We ensure strict QA procedures are followed including DFT and holiday testing to the required voltage to ensure many years of service INDUSTRY Food & Beverage Industry […]

FDA Approved Coating of Bread Mixer

In factory, prior to works Mixer On Arrival Preparation of Surface Coated and Installed Previous Next OVERVIEW:    When running a food processing facility and baking on a commercial scale, the quality of your goods depends on the quality of the equipment used in the process. Contamination and corrosion can wreak havoc if the appropriate […]

Wine Tank Refurbishment

Wine leaking from concrete tank Pit filling and lamination of all construction joins Application in confined space in comfort Completed internal lining OVERVIEW:    Strict health, safety and quality standards govern the world of food and beverage manufacturing. These apply to the equipment and materials used during the various stages of the production process. Selecting […]

Tiled Concrete Floor

Before – Etched tile surface Finished coating of floor and walls OVERVIEW:    The concrete floor in a chemical process area of the brewery had broken tiles, defective grout and contamination of concrete substrate. It required a coating system and sealing solution that will ensure long-term corrosion in excess of 15 years service. Concrete floor […]