Suction Tubes

OVERVIEW:    These cast iron pumps in a Power Generation plant required a coating solution to improve efficiency and provide protection of the complete Chemcote coating system. As a result of the application, Chemcote have reduced downtime and saved thousands of dollars in replacement costs.



Ambient Salt Water


Cast Iron


To extend the operating life of heavily corroded, 30 year old suction tubes, the 15-20mm deep pitting requires pit filling and reinforcement using composites.


We recommended the application of RB 308 to fill deep pitting by extensive trowelling. Intermediate coat using RB 332 and top coat using RP 500, a ceramic filled epoxy designed to provide improved efficiency and reduced growth.


UHPWB at 20,000psi to remove graphitised material and abrasive blast cycle to reach <25ppm chloride levels

Abrasive blast to AS1627.4 Sa2.5 with a nominal surface profile of 75µm

Application of RB 300 primer in one coat

Application of RB 308 to fill pits and RB 332 to ensure smooth internals

Carry out QA to ensure no holidays exist, repair where required

Top coat, 2 coats of RP 500

External coating system is repeated, except for the topcoat where RC 200 antifoul is applied to prevent marine growth


Chem-tect RB 300 Series – Glass flake filled vinyl ester resin

Chem-glass RC 200 Anti foul – Copper pigment based polyester resin


Pump efficiency has improved with the additional protection of the complete Chemco coating system. In addition Chemcote has managed to reduce downtime and save thousands of dollars in replacement costs


Refurbishment of Basket Strainer

Strainer nearing completion Internals nearing completion Internals illustrating pit filling After abrasive blasting, pitting After fabrication repairs OVERVIEW:  Chemcote provided a long term corrosion protection for

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