Water & Utilities Case Studies
Improve Pump Efficiency with Chemcote
After abrasive blast and heat treatment Internal coating completion Re-assembly OVERVIEW: The 8 year old pump had dropped off in efficiency due to the
August 18, 2017
Pool Filtration
Abrasive blasted internals and externals Tube plates coated Flange face rebated to allow for coating application and prevent crevice corrosion QA included Spark Testing and
July 23, 2015
Pump Repairs
On arrival ready for chamfer grinding Chamfer on split face and removal of salts Pitt-filling and intermediate coat applied Completion of internal lining OVERVIEW:
March 23, 2015
Aerobic Reactor
Plant in operation Corroded Floor Abrasive Blasting in progress Preparation of top coat OVERVIEW: This Mild Steel Aerobic Reactor containing effluent waste water required
February 27, 2015