Composite Pipe Repair

OVERVIEW:    A power station client required corrosion protection for a 30-plus year-old mild steel pipe, which discharges 60oC seawater from a condenser at high velocity. Following an assessment of the damaged steel pipe, Chemcote carried out composite repair and corrosion protection to the internal and external pipes that most would have considered unsalvageable.



60degC sea water at high velocity


Due to the time sensitive nature and complexity of the power station outage, there was insufficient time to fabricate new pipes. Pipe repair and application of anti-corrosion coatings needed to be completed within four days. Chemcote identified several pieces of pipe with holes throughout, and the flange almost detached from one of them.


Needle gun all loose concrete, and feather any damaged concrete

Grind sharp edges to provide a 2-3mm radius

Abrasive blast to AS 1627.4 – 2005 class 3

Mask and protect critical valve seat areas

Apply three coats of Chem-tect RB 364 to a minimum of 1,000μm

Apply one coat of Epo-Chem™ RS 500P at 100 microns total DFT

Apply one coat of Epo-Chem™ RC 500GTC Jade Green


The client received a newly refurbished pipe with long-term corrosion protection. Chemcote’s efficient repair solution minimised outage duration, saving time and money.


Refurbishment of Basket Strainer

Strainer nearing completion Internals nearing completion Internals illustrating pit filling After abrasive blasting, pitting After fabrication repairs OVERVIEW:  Chemcote provided a long term corrosion protection for

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