22 year old pipes coated with glass flake vinyl ester

OVERVIEW:    The pipes were originally coated internally using a glass flake filled vinyl ester more than 22 years ago. Periodic inspection found the internal lining to be in excellent condition, however the externals were regularly exposed to industrial fallout and required additional protection.



Industrial fall out


Iron Body


The internal lining applied 22 years ago has outlasted the external paint system where some reliability teams might normally overlook some of the existing corrosion issues as the internals would take priority. Reclassify the external exposure to a C5-1 environment and match the coating specification required to provide extended life


Composite materials were chosen to rebuild the metal loss. We then applied RB 364, a glass flake filled vinyl ester consolidated with composite reinforcing to areas of the casing that had been damaged by external factors to return it to its original strength.


Onsite water blast, needle gun and mechanical preparation on flange faces and pedestals

Workshop, abrasive blast to Class 3, 60μm profile pipe internals insitu and pipe externals in the workshop

Internals, apply RB 364

Externals, apply RS 500P RA 500M

RL 500 PF to externals


Epo-Chem™ RS 500P to externals of immersed areas 

Epo-chem™ RA 500M to externals of immersed areas

Epo-Chem™ RC 500GTC topcoat


Volutes Corrosion Repair

Corrosion condition before surface preparation Primer application Complex wet areas mid coat application Final Coat applied Overview: Defence subcontractor looking after scheduled maintenance on board

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